80s tv


Welcome to We love the Eighties Community! We’re thrilled you’ve stopped by our ’80s paradise. 🌟 Here, we celebrate all things ’80s – from iconic music, movies, fashion, to the vibrant culture that defined a generation! Feel free to introduce yourself and start exploring the threads. Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts, memories, or even your latest ‘80s finds! We’re excited to have you join our vibrant community. Join us to connect with fellow enthusiasts, share your favorite memories, and dive into engaging discussions that bring the nostalgia of the ‘80s to life. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or just curious about this dynamic era, you’ll find a home here.

NOW 80s is a British free-to-air music television channel, focusing exclusively on playing music from the 1980s. The channel launched in its current form on 27 December 2016, initially as a temporary pop-up rebrand of Now Music, previously a contemporary pop channel. The 80s format was subsequently made permanent.

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  1. Call to Glory (1984)

    Title: Call to Glory Genre: Drama,Action & Adventure Cast: Craig T. Nelson,Cindy Pickett,Elisabeth Shue,David Hollander,Gabriel Damon,Keenan Wynn,Tom O'Brien First aired: Aug 12, 1984 Last air date: Feb 26, 1987 Overview: Family melodrama set at Loughlin AFB in Texas, Edwards AFB...
  2. Boone (1983)

    Title: Boone Genre: Drama Creator: Earl Hamner, Jr. Cast: Ronnie Claire Edwards,Barry Corbin,Amanda Peterson,Tom Byrd,William Phipps,Chris Hebert,Robyn Lively,Lisa Blount First aired: Sep 25, 1983 Last air date: Aug 10, 1984 Overview: Boone is a dramatic television series which...
  3. Pete

    On This Day - September 8, 1986: The Oprah Winfrey Show Debuted

    On this day September 8, 1986, The Oprah Winfrey Show made its highly anticipated debut, forever changing the landscape of daytime television. The show went on to run for an impressive 25 seasons, producing a staggering 4,561 episodes, making Oprah Winfrey a household name and an influential...
  4. That's Incredible! (1980)

    Title: That's Incredible! Genre: Reality,Documentary Creator: Alan Landsburg Cast: John Davidson,Cathy Lee Crosby,Fran Tarkenton First aired: Mar 2, 1980 Last air date: Apr 29, 1984 Overview: A look at the more unusual sides of nature, medicine and human endeavor. It's all...
  5. Pete

    Small Wonder Premiered in Syndication On This Day September, 7, 1985

    On this day September 7, 1985, the quirky sci-fi sitcom Small Wonder made its debut in syndication. The show, which ran for 4 seasons and produced a total of 96 episodes, centered around Vicki, a robot child created by an inventor, and her adventures blending in with a suburban family. Small...
  6. Pete

    What’s Happening Now!! Premiered September, 7, 1985

    On this day September 7, 1985, What’s Happening Now!! premiered in syndication, bringing back the beloved characters from the 70s hit TV show What’s Happening!. This continuation series ran for 3 seasons with a total of 66 episodes, reuniting fans with their favorite characters while exploring...
  7. Filthy Rich (1982)

    Title: Filthy Rich Genre: Comedy Creator: Linda Bloodworth-Thomason Cast: Dixie Carter,Delta Burke,Charles Frank,Jerry Hardin,Michael Lombard,Nedra Volz,Ann Wedgeworth First aired: Aug 8, 1982 Last air date: Jun 14, 1983 Overview: Filthy Rich is an American sitcom that aired on...
  8. The Equalizer (1985)

    Title: The Equalizer Genre: Action & Adventure,Crime,Drama Creator: Michael Sloan,Richard Lindheim Cast: Edward Woodward First aired: Sep 17, 1985 Last air date: Aug 23, 1989 Overview: Robert McCall is a former agent of a secret government agency who is now running his own...
  9. Pete

    September 5, 1989: “The Joan Rivers Show” Premiered

    On this day September 5, 1989, The Joan Rivers Show made its debut in syndication, marking a significant moment in television. The talk show ran for four successful seasons, with Joan Rivers bringing her sharp wit and bold personality to daytime TV audiences. Fun Fact: Joan Rivers is widely...
  10. The Devlin Connection (1982)

    Title: The Devlin Connection Cast: Rock Hudson,Jack Scalia,Leigh Taylor-Young,Louis Giambalvo,Herbert Jefferson Jr.,Takayo Fischer First aired: Oct 1, 1982 Last air date: Dec 24, 1982 Overview: Brian Devlin was a military intelligence agent. Years ago, he had an affair with a woman...
  11. Pete

    Today September 4, 1989: “The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!” Premiered in Syndication

    On this day September 4, 1989, “The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!” made its debut in syndication, bringing the beloved characters of Mario and Luigi from the popular video game series to television screens. The show featured a mix of live-action segments and animated adventures, capturing the...
  12. Pete

    Premiered Today September 4, 1986: The Final Episode of “Trapper John, M.D.”

    On September 4, 1986, television fans said goodbye to “Trapper John, M.D.” as its final episode aired. The show, which ran for seven successful seasons and produced 151 episodes, was beloved for its compelling medical drama and memorable characters. Did You Know? “Trapper John, M.D.” was a...
  13. Cutter to Houston (1983)

    Title: Cutter to Houston Genre: Drama Creator: Sandor Stern Cast: Shelley Hack,Alec Baldwin,Jim Metzler,K Callan,Noble Willingham First aired: Sep 30, 1983 Last air date: Dec 30, 1983 Overview: Cutter to Houston is an American medical drama starring Shelley Hack, Jim Metzler...
  14. The Rousters (1983)

    Title: The Rousters Genre: Action & Adventure Cast: Hoyt Axton,Timothy Gibbs,Chad Everett,Mimi Rogers,Jim Varney First aired: Sep 30, 1983 Last air date: Jul 20, 1984 Overview: The Rousters is a 1983 NBC television series about a group of modern-day bounty hunters who are...
  15. Pete

    On This Day, September 2, 1985: The Sitcom “Rocky Road” Premiered on WTBS

    On this day September 2, 1985, the situational comedy show Rocky Road made its debut on WTBS. The show quickly became a favorite, running for three seasons with a total of 71 episodes. Rocky Road entertained audiences with its light-hearted humor and engaging characters, leaving a memorable mark...
  16. Manimal (1983)

    Title: Manimal Genre: Action & Adventure,Sci-Fi & Fantasy Creator: Glen A. Larson Cast: Michael D. Roberts,Melody Anderson,Simon MacCorkindale,William Conrad,Reni Santoni First aired: Sep 29, 1983 Last air date: Dec 16, 1983 Overview: Jonathan Chase was a British college...
  17. Pete

    September 1, 1984: “Kids Incorporated” Premiered

    On September 1, 1984, the beloved children’s show “Kids Incorporated” made its debut, kicking off a successful run that lasted 9 seasons with a total of 149 episodes. The show quickly became a favorite among young audiences, blending music, dance, and drama in a fun and engaging format. Did You...
  18. Hotel (1982)

    Title: Hotel Genre: Drama Creator: Aaron Spelling Cast: James Brolin,Connie Sellecca,Nathan Cook,Michael Spound,Heidi Bohay,Susan Walters,Shari Belafonte,Valerie Landsburg,Ty Miller First aired: Aug 20, 1982 Last air date: May 4, 1988 Overview: Hotel is an American prime time...
  19. Crossbow (1987)

    Title: Crossbow Genre: Action & Adventure,Drama,Family Creator: Anthony Horowitz,Friedrich Schiller Cast: Will Lyman,Jeremy Clyde,Dana Barron,Nick Brimble,Guy Rolfe,Robert Addie,John Otway,Hans Meyer,Melinda Mullins,Conrad Phillips,David Barry Gray First aired: Aug 29, 1987 Last...
  20. Gloria (1982)

    Title: Gloria Genre: Comedy Creator: Joe Gannon,Dan Guntzelman,Steve Marshall,Harriett Weiss,Patt Shea Cast: Sally Struthers,Burgess Meredith,Jo De Winter,Lou Richards,Christian Jacobs First aired: Sep 25, 1982 Last air date: Apr 9, 1983 Overview: Gloria is an American...