80s cartoons


Welcome to We love the Eighties Community! We’re thrilled you’ve stopped by our ’80s paradise. 🌟 Here, we celebrate all things ’80s – from iconic music, movies, fashion, to the vibrant culture that defined a generation! Feel free to introduce yourself and start exploring the threads. Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts, memories, or even your latest ‘80s finds! We’re excited to have you join our vibrant community. Join us to connect with fellow enthusiasts, share your favorite memories, and dive into engaging discussions that bring the nostalgia of the ‘80s to life. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or just curious about this dynamic era, you’ll find a home here.

Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s (titled Guitar Hero: Rocks the 80s in Europe) is a music rhythm game and the third installment in the popular Guitar Hero series. It was released in July 2007 in North America and Europe, and in August 2007 in Australia.
Players use a guitar-shaped controller (purchased separately) to simulate playing rock music by hitting notes as they scroll towards the player. Rocks the 80s is an incremental title in the Guitar Hero series, rather than a full sequel. No changes in gameplay from Guitar Hero II have been introduced to this game. As implied by the game's title, the game features a 1980s theme, consisting of songs from the decade and playable characters, fashions, and artwork that reflect the time period.
The game was not as well-received as the prior two Guitar Hero games, due to the lack of new gameplay features and reduced soundtrack. Rocks the 80s is the third and final title in the Guitar Hero series to be developed by Harmonix before they moved on to create Rock Band. The next major installment of the series, Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, was developed by Activision's Neversoft division.

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  1. Pete

    Released Today September 16, 1985 - “The Jetsons” Returned to TV

    On this day September 16, 1985, The Jetsons made its comeback in syndication. The beloved animated series, set in a futuristic world, aired for 2 seasons with a total of 51 episodes during this revival. Originally created by Hanna-Barbera, The Jetsons brought viewers a humorous and imaginative...
  2. Pete

    Snorks Premiered on NBC On This Day September 15, 1984

    On this day September 15, 1984, the animated series Snorks made its debut on NBC. The show ran for 6 seasons and featured a total of 65 episodes, broken down into 108 segments. Snorks followed the underwater adventures of small, colorful creatures living in the magical world of Snorkland. The...
  3. Pete

    Today September 14, 1985: It’s Punky Brewster (Animation) Premiered on NBC

    On this day September 14, 1985, the animated series It’s Punky Brewster premiered on NBC. Spun off from the popular live-action sitcom Punky Brewster, the animated version took the show’s characters into more fantastical adventures. The series ran for 2 seasons, delivering a total of 26 episodes...
  4. Pete

    On this day September 14, 1985: Hulk Hogan’s Rock ‘n’ Wrestling Premiered on CBS

    On this day September 14, 1985, Hulk Hogan’s Rock ‘n’ Wrestling made its debut on CBS, bringing the excitement of professional wrestling to the world of Saturday morning cartoons. The animated series ran for 2 seasons, with a total of 26 episodes. It featured the animated adventures of some of...
  5. Pete

    September 13, 1986: Teen Wolf (Animation) Premiered on CBS

    On this day September 13, 1986, the animated series Teen Wolf, based on the popular 1985 movie starring Michael J. Fox, made its debut on CBS. The show ran for 2 seasons and delivered a total of 21 episodes. The animated Teen Wolf followed the adventures of Scott Howard, a teenage werewolf...
  6. Pete

    G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero Premiered in Syndication Today September, 12, 1983

    On this day September 12, 1983, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, the animated series based on the popular Hasbro toy line, premiered in syndication. The series quickly became a fan favorite and ran for two seasons, producing 95 action-packed episodes. The show followed the G.I. Joe team as they...
  7. Pete

    September 12, 1981: Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends Premiered on NBC

    On this day September 12, 1981, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends made its debut on NBC, bringing everyone’s favorite web-slinger to Saturday morning television alongside new allies. The animated series ran for three seasons, producing a total of 24 episodes. It featured Spider-Man teaming up...
  8. Pete

    On this day September 12, 1981: The Smurfs Premiered on NBC

    On this day September 12, 1981, The Smurfs, the beloved animated series, made its debut on NBC. The show quickly became a massive hit, running for nine seasons with a total of 256 episodes. The Smurfs’ adventures, set in their charming forest village, captivated audiences worldwide with its...
  9. Pete

    Released Today September 10, 1983: The Littles Premiered on ABC

    On this day September 10, 1983, the animated series The Littles made its debut on ABC. The show, based on the popular children’s book series by John Peterson, followed the adventures of tiny, human-like creatures with tails who live secretly within the walls of houses. The Littles ran for three...
  10. Pete

    Today September 9, 1985: She-Ra: Princess of Power Premiered

    On this day September 9, 1985, She-Ra: Princess of Power made its debut in syndication, bringing a strong female hero to the world of animation. The show ran for five seasons, with a total of 93 episodes. As a spin-off of the popular He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, She-Ra quickly carved...
  11. Pete

    September 8, 1986: Ghostbusters Animated Series Premiered

    On this day September 8, 1986, The Real Ghostbusters animated series made its debut in syndication, bringing the beloved paranormal adventures of the Ghostbusters to television screens. The show ran for just one season but packed in an impressive 65 episodes, captivating a young audience with...
  12. Pete

    Today September 5, 1983: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Premiered

    On this day September 5, 1983, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe premiered in syndication, launching what would become one of the most iconic animated series of the 80s. Running for two seasons and producing an impressive 131 episodes, the show introduced viewers to the heroic He-Man and...
  13. Pete

    August 10, 1985 - Final Episode of Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids Airs

    On this day August 9, 1985, Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids aired its final episode, marking the end of a beloved animated series that had entertained and educated audiences for eight seasons. Created by Bill Cosby, the show ran for 110 episodes, along with five special episodes, and became a...
  14. Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown (and Don't Come Back!) (1980)

    Title: Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown (and Don't Come Back!) Tagline: Travel with the PEANUTS gang on their first overseas adventure Genre: Family,Animation,Comedy Director: Bill Melendez,Phil Roman Cast: Arrin Skelley,Daniel Anderson,Laura Planting,Casey Carlson,Annalisa Bortolin,Laura...
  15. Little Clowns of Happytown (1987)

    Title: Little Clowns of Happytown Overview: Little Clowns of Happytown is an American animated television series that aired on ABC on Saturday morning from September 26, 1987 to July 16, 1988.
  16. Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck (1986)

    Title: Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck Genre: Kids,Animation,Comedy First aired: Oct 25, 1986 Last air date: Feb 5, 1987
  17. Dumbo's Circus (1985)

    Title: Dumbo's Circus Genre: Animation Cast: Katie Leigh,Patricia Parris,Hal Smith,Jim Cummings,Sharon Baird,Patty Maloney,Will Ryan,Ron Gans,Van Snowden,Walker Edmiston First aired: May 5, 1985 Last air date: May 24, 1986 Overview: Dumbo's Circus was a live-action/puppet...
  18. Kidd Video (1984)

    Title: Kidd Video Genre: Animation,Sci-Fi & Fantasy Cast: Robbie Rist,Cathy Cavadini,Susan Silo,Peter Renaday,Robert Towers,Marshall Efron First aired: Sep 14, 1984 Last air date: Sep 14, 1984 Overview: Kidd Video is a Saturday morning cartoon created by DIC Entertainment in...
  19. Pete

    Saturday Morning Rewind: Relive the 80s Cartoons Craze

    Get ready to rewind the clock and dive into the ultimate nostalgia trip! 🕒📺 Starting this Saturday, we're dedicating our weekends to the golden era of Saturday morning cartoons from the 80s. Get comfy in your PJs, grab a bowl of cereal (extra points for Fruity Pebbles!), and join us as we...
  20. Pink Panther and Sons (1984)

    Title: Pink Panther and Sons Genre: Animation,Comedy Creator: Friz Freleng Cast: Frank Welker,B.J. Ward,Jeannie Elias,Sherry Lynn,Sonny Melendrez,Gregg Berger First aired: Sep 7, 1984 Last air date: Nov 30, 1984 Overview: Pink Panther and Sons is an American animated Pink...