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ColecoVision is a second-generation home video-game console developed by Coleco and launched in North America in August 1982. It was released a year later in Europe by CBS Electronics as the CBS ColecoVision.
The console offered a closer experience to more powerful arcade video games compared to competitors such as the Atari 2600 and Intellivision. The initial catalog of twelve games on ROM cartridge included the first home version of Nintendo's Donkey Kong as the pack-in game. Approximately 136 games were published between 1982 and 1984, including Sega's Zaxxon and some ports of lesser known arcade games that found a larger audience on the console, such as Lady Bug, Cosmic Avenger, and Venture.
Coleco released a series of hardware add-ons and special controllers to expand the capabilities of the console. "Expansion Module #1" allowed the system to play Atari 2600 cartridges. A later module converted ColecoVision into the Coleco Adam home computer.
ColecoVision was discontinued in 1985 when Coleco withdrew from the video game market. Coleco had already contemplated shifting focus to their Cabbage Patch Kids success after the costly failure of their Coleco Adam computer.

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  1. Pete

    Rocky Super Action Boxing

    Rocky Super Action Boxing was probably a fun one to play. How many of you remember it?
  2. Pete

    Omega Race

    How many of you remember Omega Race? It was released by Midway for Colecovisio, Atari 2600, Arcade and a couple of others.
  3. Pete

    River Raid

    River Raid was first released for Atari 2600 and then Colecovision. I never played this one. Have any of you?
  4. Pete

    Cosmic Avenger

    Cosmic Avenger definitely sounds familiar. Do any of you know it? This is the arcade version but it was also released for Colecovision.
  5. Pete

    Antarctic Adventure

    Have any of you taken an Antarctic Adventure with this one? I can’t believe the amount of video games that were around for Colecovision back then.
  6. Pete


    Frenzy sounds like a fun game for the early 80s. Do any of you remember it?
  7. Pete

    Buck Rogers Planet of Zoom

    Anyone ever play this Buck Roger’s game? This one was released for quite a few game systems in the early 80s including Atari 2600 and Colecovision.
  8. Pete


    I could only imagine what a fire breathing dragon looked like for this game in 1982. Probably like a green circle lol. Do any of you remember this video game?
  9. Pete

    Artillery Duel

    Would anyone like to challenge me to an artillery duel? How many of you remember this one? It was released for both Colecovision and Atari 2600..
  10. Pete

    Super Cobra

    I had the game Super Cobra for Colecovision but I never got into it.