Graduation Day (1981)


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Title: Graduation Day

Genre: Horror

Director: Herb Freed

Cast: Christopher George,Patch Mackenzie,E. Danny Murphy,E.J. Peaker,Michael Pataki,Richard Balin,Carmen Argenziano,Linnea Quigley,Billy Hufsey,Virgil Frye,Denise Cheshire,Vanna White,Beverly Dixon,Hal Bokar,Viola Kates Stimpson,Patrick Wright,Erica Hope,Karen Abbott,Ruth Ann Llorens,Tom Hintnaus,Carl Rey,Aaron Butler,Grant Loud

Release: 1981-05-01

Runtime: 96

Plot: After the death of a high school track star during a race, a mysterious killer in a fencing mask begins murdering her friends and teachers.

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Trailer Videos

    • Graduation Day (1981) ORIGINAL TRAILER [HD 1080p]

      • Trailer
Movie information in first post provided by The Movie Database
I don't remember this one. Sounds like a typical style early 80s horror. Have any of you seen it?